Holiday homes Languedoc-Roussillon
Languedoc-Roussillon is a region in the south of France. The area borders the Spanish border, Andorra and the Mediterranean, as well as the following French regions: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes, Auvergne and Midi-Pyrénées. Languedoc-Roussillon thus stretches from the Camargue (Rhône Delta) in the east to the great Naurouze hill ridge in the west, from the mountain peaks of the Cévennes in the north to the impressive Pyrenees in the south. The region includes the departments: Aude, Gard, Hérault, Lozère and Pyrénées-Orientales. The regional capital is Montpellier. Provacances offers holiday homes in the departments of Aude, Gard, Hérault and Pyrénées-Orientales.
En savoir plus sur Languedoc-Roussillon Toutes les locations de vacances - Languedoc-RoussillonLanguedoc-Roussillon is particularly known for its exceptional fertility and its very varied landscapes: an hour's drive and you find yourself in a completely different world. The landscapes change from the strict, densely built chains of mountain ridges of the Cévennes made of mica slate and granite to the elongated, fertile plains of the lowlands. Languedoc is one of the world's largest contiguous wine regions. Endless vineyards stretch for miles in the countryside, there are a multitude of orchards, and cypress and laurel trees line the roads. All around the landscape are small cozy villages either glued to a mountainside, at the bottom of the valley or at the very top, where the view is unique. To the south, the large mountain massif Canigou rises majestically with its almost 3000 m. At the foot of the eastern Pyrenees lies the Mediterranean with beautiful, long sandy beaches, rugged rocky bays and steep cliffs as well as small, charming fishing villages with beautiful harbor promenades and colorful alleys.
The region is composed of the area's two old provinces: Languedoc and Roussillon. The name Languedoc comes from the old language of southern France, langue d'Oc or langue Occitane. Languedoc was not an actual demarcated area, but rather a linguistic area, which included all the regions in the central part of southern France where Occitan was spoken. This includes the departments of Aude, Gard, Hérault and Lozère. The area also extended to Lyon in the north and to Toulouse, which was the main city, in the west.
The old province of Roussillon roughly corresponds to the region's southernmost department, Pyrénées-Orientales. Compared to the other French departments, Pyrénées-Orientales is a bit special, because due to its geographical location close to Spain, the area has been Spanish/Catalan until 1658. Even though it is a long time ago, the people of the French part of Catalonia are extremely aware of culture and origin.
The southern part of the region is also known as the "stronghold of the Cathars". The Cathars were a religious movement persecuted by the Catholic Church in the 12th and 13th centuries because they refused to recognize the authority of the Pope. As early as 1119, the church had decided that heretics should be persecuted, persuaded or forced to give up their false faith and, if necessary, executed. For a number of years, they tried the good. Priests and papal emissaries were sent to try to persuade and convince the misguided. But nothing could shake the Cathars. The Church began a long persecution which lasted for more than 20 years. Thousands upon thousands lost their lives. Many were just generally killed or hanged - but several were burned alive. Contemporary sources say that the Cathars sang hymns on their way to the fire. In 1229, the actual crusade had ended and large parts of the country had been ravaged, but there was no peace. The Inquisition then took over the task of tracking down Cathars and condemning them to the stake. The castle of Montségur, located on a 1200 m high cliff, withstood a 9-month siege before it was taken in 1244. The burghers protected the Cathars during the continuing fighting, but in the year 1255 the last castle, Quéribus, fell, and not long after the last Cathar was tracked down, captured and burned. Whether you drive, walk or cycle in the Pyrenees in southern France, keep an eye out for the mountain peaks. There are enormous cultural memories here. Impressive castles, castles and ruins testify to the bloody history of the Cathars.
I dette hjørne af Frankrig er klimaet subtropisk med milde vintre og tørre, varme somre. Forår og efterår er mere regnfulde. Den årlige gennemsnitstemperatur er 15 grader. Den gennemsnitlige årlige nedbør er på 500-600 mm – det laveste i Frankrig. Statistisk set kan man regne med 300 solskinstimer om året. Det er et klima, hvor der sagtens kan være 20-25 grader på en solskinsdag i december, og man bader i Middelhavet i oktober måned.
Gruissan is one of the most beautiful villages in the area. The old town is beautifully laid out around a taller tower. Tour Barberousse are the remains of the ancient Château de Gruissan, built at the end of the 10th century on a steep, dominating rock to watch over the waters off Narbonne and protect the town from attacks from the sea. Gruissan...
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Limoux is a former Cathar stronghold and it can be said that the town's inhabitants, les Limouxins, have retained a certain heresy. Le jeu à XIII, a form of rugby also known in south-west France as rugby hérétique or sport des cathares, is practiced with great enthusiasm here. This must be contrasted with regular rugby being a very common sport...
Ucetia, Uzèz, était à l'origine un petit oppidum gallo-romain. La ville est située près de la source de l'Eure, d'où les Romains au 1er siècle après JC construit un aqueduc pour fournir de l'eau aux citoyens de la ville de Nîmes. La section la plus connue de l'aqueduc est le Pont du Gard, qui était censé acheminer l'eau sur le Gardon. Le Pont du...
Sommières offre une vieille ville très charmante (centre-ville) avec des rues étroites et sinueuses, de vieilles maisons en pierre, plusieurs anciennes portes de ville, un clocher impressionnant et un pont de 189 mètres de long avec 17 arches, dont 7 sont encore visibles. Le pont remonte au 1er siècle après JC. À Sommières, vous trouverez...
Nîmes har en meget lang og rig historie. Den blev grundlagt af kejser Augustus i år 50 og opkaldt efter kildeguden Nemausus. Nîmes oplevede hurtig fremgang under Augustus’ regering og blev en af de største og vigtigste byer i det romerske Gallien. Nîmes var ifølge kejser Augustus den smukkeste by, ikke blot i Gallien, men i hele Det Romerske...
I 1600-tallet var Alès en vigtig højborg for huguenotterne, de franske protestanter. I 1629 blev byen indtaget af Louis XIII,og ved fredsaftalen, le paix d’Alais, fik huguenotterne frataget deres ret til bl.a. at have de såkaldte sikkerhedssteder (places de sûreté), som de ellers havde fået i forbindelse med Ediktet i Nantes i 1598. Alès...
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La Grande-Motte er en decideret ferieby, der først og fremmest byder på en af regionens allerfineste sandstrande med alle former for vandsport. I La Grande-Motte finder man desuden en stor og flot marina med plads til 1410 både. La Grande-Motte byder desuden på et utal af restauranter, små serveringssteder, barer og diskoteker.
Sète er især kendt for sin store havn, de lange rækker af østersstokke og de mange kanaler, som fører middelhavet helt ind i byen, og på den måde er med til at skabe en helt speciel atmosfære. Den byder på nogle skønne indkøbsstrøg langs kanalerne, mange gode fiskerestauranter, caféer, fine sandstrande samt et stort vandland. Atmosfæren...
Montpellier er en af kun få større byer i Sydfrankrig, som ikke stammer fra romerne. Byen blev først grundlagt i det 10. årh., og hørte fra 1204 under den spanske provins Aragonien og frem til 1349, hvor den igen kom under fransk overherredømme. I det 12. og 13. årh. blev byen et vigtigt handelscentrum grundet sin omfattende handel med Orienten....
Argelès-sur-Mer er en gammel by med en rig historisk arv. Byens historie er direkte forbundet med de politiske og militære begivenheder, som fandt sted i Roussillon. Argelès var strategisk godt beliggende ved de vigtigste handelsruter, som førte til Spanien via Albères bjergene. I det 13. og 14. århundrede hørte byen under kongerne af Aragon og...
Le Barcarès er egentlig et gammelt fiskerleje, som i dag nok mest af alt er kendt for det store havneområde Port-Barcarès, der ligger med den store indsø Étang de Salses-Leucate på den ene side og Middelhavet på den anden. Port-Barcarès er et fantastisk smukt område med kanaler, broer, forretninger, restauranter, caféer og fine, brede sandstrande...
Med den forholdsvist nye badeby St-Cyprien-Plage strækker byen sig helt ud til det azurblå Middelhav. Et ferieophold i en af Provacances ferieboliger i området omkring St-Cyprien giver gode muligheder for at gå på opdagelse i den spændende region Languedoc-Roussillon – det gamle katarland. Området byder på adskillige former for...
Perpignan is an old, historic city which, over the years, has been a toss-up between the rivals France and Spain and the then mighty Mallorcan kings. The economic and historical peak was in the period 1276-1344, when the city was the capital of the Kingdom of Mallorca, which also covered parts of northern Spain. Today it is a lively and...
Collioure is one of the department's biggest attractions, which attracts countless tourists all year round. The old town is extremely charming with narrow, winding streets, tall stone houses and shady squares. Most restaurants and cafes are located down to the harbour, which offers a genuine southern atmosphere throughout the summer. The town is...
34.200 | Maison de vacances Cap d'Agde - Agde, France